Do You Collect, Or Not?

This week’s topic of dust collection was the focus of conversation in the office. My reluctance in attaching a dust collector on my table saw makes me seem like the odd man out. I have never attached a dust collector to my table saw, regardless of whether I was operating in a garage with two cars or in a woodshop that occupied 4,000 square feet.

Why? There are a few reasons. First, I was (and am) leery of stumbling over the dust hose that is always stretched across what seems to be the best pathway to anything on which I am working. Second, if I position a dust collector near the table saw, there would be a time when whatever I am about to cut , or am in the middle of cutting , would have its path impeded by the collector. And third, the 10 cm dust port on my saw does not allow the dust to fully evacuate the saws cabinet, so I am constantly opening the door to dig out the waste.

My solution is to occasionally use a flat stick or cutoff and push the dust out of the base of the cabinet, then sweep up and pitch the dust.

I want to know if you use a machine or a broom to remove dust from your table saw. Please take a few seconds to respond to our survey.