Monroe Coldren & Son

The unassuming building in the photo above is typical of the architecture found in and around southeastern Pennsylvania such as in the city of West Chester. The fact that the sign on the side of the building reads antiques is a bit of a misnomer. The shop sells antiques but not as you would expect. The front room has a few small tables and a corner cabinet. A sampler is also hanging on the wall. Monroe Coldren & Son’s most important discoveries are the 18th- and 19th century hardware, as well as other building materials.

Ask Tim Coldren exactly what his business does and he immediately says, conservators of metal and hardware. Coldren claims that the shop is the nation’s largest supplier of full-house restoration products, including 18th and 19th century house restoration materials. They have been acquiring, restoring and supplying materials for some of the nations finest homes for more than fifty years. The company has been involved with the Winterthur Museum, the Jimmy Carter Ancestry Homestead and the Grover Cleveland Home located in New Jersey as well as many other historic places.

I briefly mentioned in previous entries the period hardware. I also quickly described the period fireplace mantels, and the stacks of shutters. The company also has a full line of lighting, hearth equipment, candlesticks, brass and copper. In addition, they offer a full line of restoration, repair and reproduction services on all metals. This is not just a buy and sell shop. These blacksmiths have an on-site forge, all the tools and the necessary tools to complete the job. They can make almost any item youll need , if, that is, they dont have a period piece sitting around the shop.

How likely is it that they have the piece you are looking for? It is very high, I would think. As you walk the premises, it becomes overwhelming. It is difficult to find the right piece. Coldren shines in this area. Coldren is the Pete Rose in restoration hardware. Hell will gladly wager that he can locate any piece of hardware they have in stock. And if you accept that bet, you best be digging in your pocket for the money. Coldren grew up rummaging through the shop, watching his father move inventory and sorting massive amounts of materials. In all, hes been around the shop for 40 years , he knows where things are. Especially the odd things they have on hand.

The above photo is a good example. That is a copper flask that was made and used during prohibition. It wasnt right to attend a sporting event without the necessary refreshments available, so some enterprising copper smith made a rather large flask that belted around ones middle. With a layer of clothing and an outer coat, it would be difficult to detect such an item , these were the days before actual pat downs before you entered the stadiums.

Here, though, is my favorite story Coldren gave us during our visit. In the photo to the right, he has a can full of period rosehead nails. These are the larger sizes. The nails were discovered by him while looking through an area auction. His mother was also at the auction. Coldren asked his Mother to purchase the nails, which were at the time in an old paint bucket. She asked her mother how much he would like to pay. He replied, “Just buy the bucket.” Mom ended up buying the bucket of nails and was known as the “old woman who paid for an old paint bucket”. The bucket held approximately a thousand nails, which sell for almost each. This is a fantastic deal.

If youre looking for period house items, have a family heirloom that is in need of repair or are interested in adding period hardware to your reproduction, Monroe Coldren & Son is the place to call. You dont have to buy William & Mary pulls (shown in a previous entry). You could also nail on your backboards using period nails. That would be a great story to add to your own work.